Optolong extra narrowband SII-CCD 6.5nm filter (Sulful II for CCD) is designed for nebula observation allowing 6.5nm bandwidth of light centered on a wavelength of 672nm through, and reducing the transmission of certain wavelengths
This H-alpha Filter is suitable for imaging of Hydrogen nebulas from observation sites with light pollution and from dark sites as well. The FWHm of 12nm is optimized for typical DSLR cameras with CMOS sensors and CCD cameras with a normal/high dark current.
Baader S-II Narrowband Filter – Precision Grade 6.5 nm FWHM, recommended for optical systems from f/10 to f/3.5. Reflex-Blocker™ hard coated and planeoptically polished
The EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC H-Alpha filter uses the characteristic of the so-called emission nebulae. These objects glow in certain colors, the so-called emission lines.
The EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC S-II filter uses the property of the so-called emission nebulae. These objects glow in certain colors, the so-called emission lines.
The CLS-CCD broadband filter is designed to improve the visibility of various deepsky objects. By selectively reducing the transmission of wavelengths of light pollutants, specifically those produced by artificial lightings
The Astronomik CLS is a budget filter for visual observation, Black & White photography and CCD photographs of nebulae, galaxies and star clusters with astronomical instruments of any size.
The OWB filter would usually not be designated as an "astronomical" filter. The intention is to enable converted DSLR cameras (without inbuilt IR-filter) in order to be used for 'terrestrial' photography.
This SII Filter is suitable for imaging of SII-regions from observation sites with light pollution and from dark sites as well. Contrast is massively increased.
L-eNhance provides an economical and practical solution for amateurs. It is a dual-band pass filter which has been designed for DSLR (digital SLR), color CMOS and CCD cameras.
Baader O-III Narrowband Filter – Precision Grade 6.5 nm FWHM, recommended for optical systems from f/10 to f/3.5. Reflex-Blocker™ hard coated and planeoptically polished
The H-Alpha 7nm filter is the most popular narrowband filter allowing 7nm bandwidth of light centered on a wavelength of 656nm through, and reducing the transmission of certain wavelengths of light
Baader H-alpha Narrowband Filter – Precision Grade. 6.5 nm FWHM, recommended for optical systems from f/10 to f/3.5. Reflex-Blocker™ hard coated and planeoptically polished
Narrowband filters are used to create high contrast deep sky images of certain objects, mainly emission and diffuse nebulae (i.e. Veil Nebula, M42 Orion Nebula, North America Nebula, Horsehead Nebula) or planetary nebulae