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Skywatcher Super MA Eyepieces 1.25''

Skywatcher Super MA Eyepieces 1.25"£15.99  -  £16.00

The modified achromat series of eyepieces offer a good standard of performance in a very affordable package. Designed for telescopes with mid-range to long f/ratio, these oculars have features usually found only in more expensive designs.

Skywatcher SP Series Super Plossl Eyepieces 1.25''

Skywatcher SP Series Super Plossl Eyepieces 1.25"£22.20  -  £32.99


These standard 1.25"/31.7mm eyepieces set high performance standards for modern telescope oculars. The proven 4-element Plossl designs display edge-to-edge pinpoint imaging across their panoramic 52º fields.

Skywatcher 10mm Erecting Eyepiece 1.25''

Skywatcher 10mm Erecting Eyepiece 1.25"£29.00

Provides an upright, correctly orientated image for terrestrial observations. Suitable for use with Newtonian Reflector Telescopes or Refractor telescopes.

Skywatcher Ultrawide Eyepieces 1.25''

Skywatcher Ultrawide Eyepieces 1.25"£29.99


These Sky-Watcher Ultra-Wide Angle, Multi-Coated, Long Eye Relief eyepieces offer a generous 66º apparent field of view, allowing more sky objects to be viewed at one time. They provide sharp images right across the field.

Skywatcher 7 - 21mm Zoom Eyepiece 1.25''

Skywatcher 7 - 21mm Zoom Eyepiece 1.25"£49.00

High quality 7 - 21mm zoom eyepiece in 1.25" format. This eyepiece allows you to change focal lengths without swapping and changing eyepieces. The 1.25" barrel is filter threaded to accept standard 1.25" filters.

Skywatcher Planetary UWA 58° Eyepieces 1.25''

Skywatcher Planetary UWA 58° Eyepieces 1.25"£49.00

The new Sky-Watcher Planetary eyepieces are ideal when high magnification is required for the observation of fine planetary and lunar detail.

Skywatcher 12.5mm Double Crosshair Illuminated Reticle Eyepiece 1.25''

Skywatcher 12.5mm Double Crosshair Illuminated Reticle Eyepiece 1.25"£56.00

A high quality double crosshair 12.5mm super plossl eyepiece. This eyepiece is ideal for manual guiding and also drift alignment. Due to the double crosshair you get a central box to keep your guide star/image in the center of your field.

Skywatcher 8 - 24mm Zoom Eyepiece 1.25''

Skywatcher 8 - 24mm Zoom Eyepiece 1.25"£75.00

High quality 8 - 24mm zoom eyepiece in 1.25" format. This eyepiece allows you to change focal lengths without swapping and changing eyepieces. The 1.25" barrel is filter threaded to accept standard 1.25" filters.

OVL Nirvana ES UWA 82° High Performance Eyepieces

OVL Nirvana ES UWA 82° High Performance Eyepieces£84.00  -  £94.00

These top quality ultra wide angle 1.25” eyepieces offer an incredible jaw-dropping viewing experience to rival some of the leading premium eyepieces on the market, but at an extremely competitive price.

OVL PanaView 2'' Eyepieces

OVL PanaView 2" Eyepieces£82.00  -  £85.00


The 2” PanaView™ 5-element eyepieces, with their impressive high-contrast, panoramic views, are sure to be extremely popular for enthusiasts of low power, deep-sky observing.

OVL Hyperflex 7E1 7.2mm - 21.5mm High Performance Zoom Eyepiece 1.25''

OVL Hyperflex 7E1 7.2mm - 21.5mm High Performance Zoom Eyepiece 1.25"£89.00

A high-performance zoom eyepiece of top quality construction, providing a flat field of view and crisp, clear distortion-free images. Features a continuous focal length of 7.2mm to 21.5mm and a corresponding apparent field of view of 60°-40°

OVL HyperFlex 7E2 Zoom Eyepiece 1.25''

OVL HyperFlex 7E2 Zoom Eyepiece 1.25"£89.00

A high-performance zoom eyepiece of top quality construction, providing a flat field of view and crisp, clear distortion-free images. Features a continuous focal length of 9mm to 27mm and a corresponding apparent field of view of 60°-40°.

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Rother Valley Optics Ltd
Rother Valley Optics Ltd