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Celestron RASA 8'' Light Pollution Imaging Filter

Celestron RASA 8" Light Pollution Imaging Filter£299.00

For the vast majority of us, we live in cities or locations with a lot of street lights. Light pollution in the night sky can significantly degrade contrast in astronomical images.

Antlia H-Alpha 4.5nm Narrowband EDGE Filter 2''

Antlia H-Alpha 4.5nm Narrowband EDGE Filter 2"£304.00

The Antlia H-alpha EDGE narrowband filter optimizes the FWHM (full width half maximum) to 4.5nm bandpass. The suppression of optical density (OD 5) on unwanted wavelengths and the excellent transmittance characteristics found in the Antlia 3nm Pro.

Antlia OIII 4.5nm Narrowband EDGE Filter 2''

Antlia OIII 4.5nm Narrowband EDGE Filter 2"£304.00

Antlia OIII 4.5nm EDGE filters are designed to deliver 85% transmission at the 500.7nm line that provides you with the maximum signal to reveal the faintest OIII nebulae structures.

Antlia SII 4.5nm Narrowband EDGE Filter 2''

Antlia SII 4.5nm Narrowband EDGE Filter 2"£304.00

High transmittance for working with both long focal ratios and fast optical systems (as fast as f/3 or maybe even f/2.8)!

Astronomik H-Alpha 12nm CCD Sony Alpha Clip Filter Type 2

Astronomik H-Alpha 12nm CCD Sony Alpha Clip Filter Type 2£304.00

This H-alpha Filter is suitable for imaging of Hydrogen nebulas from observation sites with light pollution and from dark sites as well. The contrast between an object glowing at 656nm and the background is massively increased.

ANTLIA LRGB V-series PRO Astronomy Imaging Filters

ANTLIA LRGB V-series PRO Astronomy Imaging Filters£310.00  -  £486.00

Antlia LRGB series are high quality colour filters specially designed for deep space photography of black and white cameras. Available in 1.25", 2", 31mm and 36mm formats.

Optolong SHO Narrowband Deep Sky Imaging Filterset 1.25''

Optolong SHO Narrowband Deep Sky Imaging Filterset 1.25"£315.00

SHO filters set is matched with astronomical monochrome CCD, DSLR(digital camera) to shoot astronomy objects with single channel. These filters set are commonly used by astrophotographers to present their photos in Hubble Pallete.

Askar 2'' ColourMagic 6nm D1 Duo Narrowband Imaging Filter

Askar 2" ColourMagic 6nm D1 Duo Narrowband Imaging Filter£320.00

For all astrophotography enthusiasts, filters are one of the indispensable accessories to achieve perfect deep-sky imaging.

Askar 2'' ColourMagic 6nm D2 Duo Narrowband Imaging Filter

Askar 2" ColourMagic 6nm D2 Duo Narrowband Imaging Filter£320.00

For all astrophotography enthusiasts, filters are one of the indispensable accessories to achieve perfect deep-sky imaging.

Antlia Pro 3nm Ultra Narrowband H-Alpha 36mm Filter

Antlia Pro 3nm Ultra Narrowband H-Alpha 36mm Filter£325.00

The Antlia H-Alpha (Ha) 3.0nm filter is suitable for imaging H-Alpha emissions from nebulae, planetary nebulae and supernova remnants.

Antlia Pro 3nm Ultra Narrowband Oiii 36mm Filter

Antlia Pro 3nm Ultra Narrowband Oiii 36mm Filter£325.00

The out of band blocking specification of the new OIII Pro version is rated to OD5 (0.001%) which delivers an excellent SNR (signal to noise ratio) and effective cut-off rate to minimize interference from other wavelengths.

Antlia Pro 3nm Ultra Narrowband Sii 36mm Filter

Antlia Pro 3nm Ultra Narrowband Sii 36mm Filter£325.00

The Antlia SII 3.0nm filter is suitable for imaging SII emissions from nebulae, planetary nebulae and supernova remnants.

STC Astro Duo Narrowband Filter 2''

STC Astro Duo Narrowband Filter 2"£329.00

STC Astro Duo-Narrowband filter can reduce the interference from artificial lighting in the city ,and enhance the wave length of Hα and OIII.
IBAD (Ion beam-assisted deposition) coating technology makes the glass higher durability and easily cleaning

ZWO CCD LRGB Filter-Set 2'' - Optimised for ZWO ASI6200 Monochrome Camera

ZWO CCD LRGB Filter-Set 2" - Optimised for ZWO ASI6200 Monochrome Camera£332.00

The ZWO LRGB 2" filter set will be a good match for the ASI6200MM-PRO as it will provide a nearly perfect colour balance of 1:1:1 RGB, but it will also work well with other CMOS cameras, like the ASI1600MM-PRO and many more...

Baader CMOS Optimized Narrowband Filtersets

Baader CMOS Optimized Narrowband Filtersets£335.00  -  £567.00

Baader H-alpha/O-III/S-II Narrowband Filterset – Precision Grade. 6.5 nm FWHM, recommended for optical systems from f/10 to f/3.5

Baader 2'' Colour Filter Set

Baader 2" Colour Filter Set£357.00

These Baader colour filters are carefully prepared for amateur astronomical use for contrast enhancement of lunar and planetary observations.

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Rother Valley Optics Ltd
Rother Valley Optics Ltd