These are "bare bones" versions of the Explore Scientific Apos - they still have the exquisite optics of the original triplets, including Japanese Hoya FCD1 Dense Fluorcrown and Explore's Special EMD™ enhanced multi-layer coatings on every optical surface for the utmost in colour-free performance and still have the high strength aluminium tubes, internal baffling systems and hyper-blackened edges for the ultimate in contrast.
The Explore Scientific Ultra Light 10" Dobsonian is ideal for those who want a telescope with good light gathering power and great optics in a compact easy-to-store package.
The Explore Scientific Ultra Light 12" Dobsonian is a great collapsible, super- portable telescope - featuring full aluminium construction for strength, durability and lightness.
Apochromats are the ultimate choice in small to medium sized telescopes: the combination of compactness, transportability, very high image contrast and sharpness together with the possibility to make excellent astrophotos cannot be bested.
The Explore Scientific David H Levy Comet Hunter 152mm Carbon Fibre Maksutov Newtonian. Plumping for an f/4.8 design, this instrument is capable of delivering huge fields of view - 2 degrees or more of the night sky.
Building on the success of the original Explore Scientific 127 Triplet Apo and the Carbon Fibre versions, Explore Scientific now release their best ever value 5-inch telescope: the Explore Scientific ED APO 127mm f/7.5 Essential.
Apochromats are the ultimate choice in small to medium sized telescopes: the combination of compactness, transportability, very high image contrast and sharpness together with the possibility to make excellent astrophotos cannot be bested.
Apochromats are the ultimate choice in small to medium sized telescopes: the combination of compactness, transportability, very high image contrast and sharpness together with the possibility to make excellent astrophotos cannot be bested.
The Explore Scientific Ultra Light 16" Dobsonian is the ultimate in collapsible, large aperture, portable telescopes - featuring full aluminium construction for strength, durability and lightness.
This excellent Explore Scientific ED APO 165mm Carbon fibre telescope is the currently largest representative of the exceptional line of apochromatic refractors by Explore Scientific.