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 Search for:    hotec       

The HoTech SCA field flattener accomodates f5 to f8 refractor telescope. You will see bright and sharp image across the entire field.

ONLY £210.00

HoTech 2'' SCA Field Flattener

The Advanced CT Laser Collimator brings the collimating star to your telescope within arm reaching distance. With its short-range capability, you can perform collimation indoors - day or night.

ONLY £549.00

HoTech Advanced CT Laser Collimator

Unlock a new era in HyperStar telescope collimation with our fast and precise laser collimator. This patented technology takes HyperStar collimation to an entirely new level.

ONLY £610.00  -  £629.00

HoTech Hyperstar Laser Collimator

The HoTech laser collimator separates itself from all other laser collimators with its innovative self-centering adapter technology (SCA).

ONLY £145.00  -  £169.00

HoTech SCA Laser Collimator With Crosshair

 Search for:    hotec       

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Rother Valley Optics Ltd
Rother Valley Optics Ltd