The LRGB filter set is designed for maximum contrast and with extremely high gradients for clear differentiation of colors. The LRGB filter set divides the spectrum into its components red, green, blue and luminance.
It's about a 3nm dual band designed to drastically reduce the effect of light pollution, the 3nm isolates the nebulae's emissions into H-Alpha (red) and OIII (green-blue).
SHO filters set is matched with astronomical monochrome CCD, DSLR(digital camera) to shoot astronomy objects with single channel. These filters set are commonly used by astrophotographers to present their photos in Hubble Pallete.
It's about a 3nm dual band designed to drastically reduce the effect of light pollution, the 3nm isolates the nebulae's emissions into H-Alpha (red) and OIII (green-blue).
SHO filters set is matched with astronomical monochrome CCD, DSLR(digital camera) to shoot astronomy objects with single channel. These filters set are commonly used by astrophotographers to present their photos in Hubble Pallete.