Narrowband Filters

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Antlia Pro Ultra Narrowband 3nm SII Filter - 1.25''

Antlia Pro Ultra Narrowband 3nm SII Filter - 1.25"£278.00

The Antlia SII 3.0nm filter is suitable for imaging SII emissions from nebulae, planetary nebulae and supernova remnants.
The 3.0nm bandwidth delivers a high transmission at a center wavelength of 671.6nm.

ZWO 2'' H-Alpha 7nm Narrowband Filter

ZWO 2" H-Alpha 7nm Narrowband Filter£281.00

Narrowband filters are used to create high contrast deep sky images of certain objects, mainly emission and diffuse nebulae (i.e. Veil Nebula, M42 Orion Nebula, North America Nebula, Horsehead Nebula) or planetary nebulae

ZWO 2'' OIII 7nm Narrowband Filter

ZWO 2" OIII 7nm Narrowband Filter£281.00

The ZWO OIII 7nm narrowband filter is designed for nebula observation allowing 7nm bandwidth of light centered on a wavelength of 500nm, which corresponds to OIII emission lines, blocking out all other light.

ZWO 2'' SII 7nm Narrowband Filter

ZWO 2" SII 7nm Narrowband Filter£281.00

The ZWO SII 7nm narrowband filter passes light at 672nm wavelength with a bandpass of 7nm which is designed for nebula observation and imaging. It is suitable for visual observation on most emission nebulae, planetary nebulae and supernova remnants

Astronomik H-Alpha 12nm CCD EOS XL Clip Filter

Astronomik H-Alpha 12nm CCD EOS XL Clip Filter£286.00

This H-alpha Filter is suitable for imaging of Hydrogen nebulas from observation sites with light pollution and from dark sites as well. The contrast between an object glowing at 656nm and the background is massively increased.

Antlia Pro Ultra Narrowband 3nm OIII Filter - 31mm Unmounted

Antlia Pro Ultra Narrowband 3nm OIII Filter - 31mm Unmounted£288.00

The out of band blocking specification of the new OIII Pro version is rated to OD5 (0.001%) which delivers an excellent SNR (signal to noise ratio) and effective cut-off rate to minimize interference from other wavelengths.

Antlia Pro Ultra Narrowband 3nm H-alpha Filter - 31mm Unmounted

Antlia Pro Ultra Narrowband 3nm H-alpha Filter - 31mm Unmounted£299.00

The Antlia H-Alpha (Ha) 3.0nm filter is suitable for imaging H-Alpha emissions from nebulae, planetary nebulae and supernova remnants.

Antlia Pro Ultra Narrowband 3nm SII Filter - 31mm Unmounted

Antlia Pro Ultra Narrowband 3nm SII Filter - 31mm Unmounted£299.00

The Antlia SII 3.0nm filter is suitable for imaging SII emissions from nebulae, planetary nebulae and supernova remnants.
The 3.0nm bandwidth delivers a high transmission at a center wavelength of 671.6nm

Optolong L-Ultimate Dual-Band 3nm Filter 1.25''

Optolong L-Ultimate Dual-Band 3nm Filter 1.25"£299.00

It's about a 3nm dual band designed to drastically reduce the effect of light pollution, the 3nm isolates the nebulae's emissions into H-Alpha (red) and OIII (green-blue).

Antlia H-Alpha 4.5nm Narrowband EDGE Filter 2''

Antlia H-Alpha 4.5nm Narrowband EDGE Filter 2"£304.00

The Antlia H-alpha EDGE narrowband filter optimizes the FWHM (full width half maximum) to 4.5nm bandpass. The suppression of optical density (OD 5) on unwanted wavelengths and the excellent transmittance characteristics found in the Antlia 3nm Pro.

Antlia OIII 4.5nm Narrowband EDGE Filter 2''

Antlia OIII 4.5nm Narrowband EDGE Filter 2"£304.00

Antlia OIII 4.5nm EDGE filters are designed to deliver 85% transmission at the 500.7nm line that provides you with the maximum signal to reveal the faintest OIII nebulae structures.

Antlia SII 4.5nm Narrowband EDGE Filter 2''

Antlia SII 4.5nm Narrowband EDGE Filter 2"£304.00

High transmittance for working with both long focal ratios and fast optical systems (as fast as f/3 or maybe even f/2.8)!

Astronomik H-Alpha 12nm CCD Sony Alpha Clip Filter Type 2

Astronomik H-Alpha 12nm CCD Sony Alpha Clip Filter Type 2£304.00

This H-alpha Filter is suitable for imaging of Hydrogen nebulas from observation sites with light pollution and from dark sites as well. The contrast between an object glowing at 656nm and the background is massively increased.

Antlia Pro Ultra Narrowband 3nm OIII Filter - 1.25''

Antlia Pro Ultra Narrowband 3nm OIII Filter - 1.25"£310.00

The Antlia OIII 3.0nm filter is suitable for imaging Oxigen III emissions from nebulae, planetary nebulae and supernova remnants.
The 3.0nm bandwidth delivers a high transmission at a center wavelength of 500.7nm

Optolong SHO Narrowband Deep Sky Imaging Filterset 1.25''

Optolong SHO Narrowband Deep Sky Imaging Filterset 1.25"£315.00

SHO filters set is matched with astronomical monochrome CCD, DSLR(digital camera) to shoot astronomy objects with single channel. These filters set are commonly used by astrophotographers to present their photos in Hubble Pallete.

Askar 2'' ColourMagic 6nm D1 Duo Narrowband Imaging Filter

Askar 2" ColourMagic 6nm D1 Duo Narrowband Imaging Filter£320.00

For all astrophotography enthusiasts, filters are one of the indispensable accessories to achieve perfect deep-sky imaging.

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Rother Valley Optics Ltd
Rother Valley Optics Ltd