Safe solar observation with all types of binoculars / safe solar photography with all camera lenses. AstroSolar Safety Film OD 5.0, mounted stress free in high-cality cell
After 15 years of offering AstroSolar film sheets as DIY-product, this system of Baader Solar Filters™ is designed to retain the true optical quality of the diffraction limited AstroSolar Safety Film.
Enhances contrast during planetary observation. Also extremely Useful for solar work in conjunction with Baader Herschel Wedge Prism (#2956500V or #2956500P)
Using narrowband filters can often result in slightly dimmer images, which can be difficult to resolve to a focus. You can now use this filter to focus perfectly with a bright image and since they are also parfocal, switch to a different narrow band filter without losing the focus.
Baader 1.25" Neutral Density Filter with optical density ND 0.9 - Transmission 12.5% - Reduction factor 8. For perfect energy management during Lunar and Solar observation. Suitable for solar observing only as an additional filter!
This new generation of Baader CMOS-filters for LRGB astroimaging features increased contrast, matched for typical CMOS quantum efficiency and s/n ratio
Baader Solar Filters provide a professional and secure solution to observe and image the Sun using AstroSolar® Safety Film OD 5.0. Many ready made filters do stretch the filter material like a drumhead in order to make it look like a piece of glass
Enhances contrast during planetary observation. Also extremely Useful for solar work in conjunction with Baader Herschel Wedge Prism (#2956500V or #2956500P)
This very useful addition to the Baader filter range is intended for the luminance channel in astro imaging. Using narrowband filters can often result in slightly dimmer images, which can be difficult to resolve to a focus.
The Semi-APO filter benefits from all the host of world-class Baader filter attributes. The Semi-APO filter is truly the world's most advanced 'minus-violet' type filter in every regard.
A unique filter for many different astronomical tasks. Incomparable in accracy to combinations of generic color filters made of raw polished glass – where surface inaccuracy adds up in the optical wave front to an unbearable degree!
Planoptically polished for the highest image quality. Only 10nm FWHM with a 93% transmission rate. Perfect for planetary observation producing very high contrast levels.