The Antlia IR Pass 685nm filter is an absorption filter that allows infrared light with wavelengths of more than 685nm to pass through. It nicely complements the Antlia 850nm IR-Pass filter.
The Antlia IR Pass 850nm filter is an absorption filter that allows infrared light with wavelengths of more than 850nm to pass through. It nicely complements the Antlia 685nm IR-Pass filter.
The Antlia Triband RGB Ultra filter is designed for light pollution suppression for OSC and Mono cameras. The spectral design selected the most substantial information in the RGB bands.
The Antlia H-alpha EDGE narrowband filter optimizes the FWHM (full width half maximum) to 4.5nm bandpass. The suppression of optical density (OD 5) on unwanted wavelengths and the excellent transmittance characteristics found in the Antlia 3nm Pro.
Antlia OIII 4.5nm EDGE filters are designed to deliver 85% transmission at the 500.7nm line that provides you with the maximum signal to reveal the faintest OIII nebulae structures.
The Antlia H-alpha EDGE narrowband filter optimizes the FWHM (full width half maximum) to 4.5nm bandpass. The suppression of optical density (OD 5) on unwanted wavelengths and the excellent transmittance characteristics found in the Antlia 3nm Pro.
Antlia OIII 4.5nm EDGE filters are designed to deliver 85% transmission at the 500.7nm line that provides you with the maximum signal to reveal the faintest OIII nebulae structures.
The Antlia H-alpha EDGE narrowband filter optimizes the FWHM (full width half maximum) to 4.5nm bandpass. The suppression of optical density (OD 5) on unwanted wavelengths and the excellent transmittance characteristics found in the Antlia 3nm Pro.
Antlia OIII 4.5nm EDGE filters are designed to deliver 85% transmission at the 500.7nm line that provides you with the maximum signal to reveal the faintest OIII nebulae structures.
The Antlia OIII 3.0nm filter is suitable for imaging Oxigen III emissions from nebulae, planetary nebulae and supernova remnants. The 3.0nm bandwidth delivers a high transmission at a center wavelength of 500.7nm