|  |  | |  |  | Antlia ALP-T Gold Dual Band 5nm Filter 2"£395.00 The Antlia ALP-T dual band 5nm filter is a dual line-pass filter which was designed to be used primarily with one-shot color (OSC) cameras such as DSLR's or astronomical OSC cameras. |  |  | Astrodon Ha 5nm Narrowband Filter£395.00 - £529.00 Astrodon Narrowband filters set a new bar of performance and durability for imaging and research. The narrow 5 and 3 nm bandwidths enhance contrast of emission targets by lowering your background signal. |
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Astrodon SII 5nm Narrowband Filter£395.00 - £529.00 If you want the look of Hubble Space Telescope (HST) images, such as the famous “Pillars of Creation” (the Eagle Nebula, Messier 16), then the next filter to consider adding to your collection after H-a and OIII is the SII. |  |  | Celestron Astro Fi 102mm Maksutov WiFi Telescope£395.00 Celestron is not only changing the way we experience astronomy, but we're also changing the way you interact with the night sky. The Astro Fi 102mm Maksutov-Cassegrain is a fully featured telescope that can be controlled with your smart phone or tablet using the free Celestron SkyPortal app. |  |  | Celestron StarSense Explorer 150 Tabletop Dobsonian£395.00 Celestron has reinvented the Tabletop Dobsonian telescope with StarSense Explorer—the first Tabletop Dobsonian that uses your smartphone to analyze the night sky and calculate its position in real-time. |  |  | |
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Pentax XL 8 - 24mm SMC Zoom Eyepiece 1.25"£395.00 High-performance eyepiece for astronomical telescopes that offers exceptional versatility and image quality. Stunning build and high quality SMC coatings. |  |  | |  |  | Vixen Polarie Star Tracker Mount£395.00 No camera needed! Anyone can be an Astrophotographer with the Polarie Star Tracker Mount. View images of the Milky Way or capture the upcoming solar eclipse. This compact mount platform allows you to capture night scopes, star images, and solar events with ease. |  |  | Explore Scientific 0.7x Reducer/Corrector 3"£392.00 The Explore Scientific 3in 0.7x Reducer - Corrector reduces the effective focal length of a particular instrument by the factor 0.7x (for f/8) and 0.8x (for f/10) respectively. The reducer/corrector not only reduces the focal length but also operates as a very effective field flattener. |
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ZWO 1.25" H-Alpha, SII & OIII 7nm Narrowband Filter Set£392.00 Narrowband filter sets are used to create high contrast deep sky images of certain objects, mainly emission and diffuse nebulae (i.e. Veil Nebula, M42 Orion Nebula, North America Nebula, Horsehead Nebula) or planetary nebulae |  |  | Skywatcher Skymax 102 AZ-GO2 WiFi Maksutov Telescope£391.00 The lightweight and highly portable Sky-Watcher SKYMAX-102 (AZ-Go2), has been designed to be controlled wirelessly with your Smartphone or Tablet, using the free SynScan App for iOS or Android. |  |  | Celestron .7x Reducer Lens For 8" EdgeHD£390.00 The EdgeHD .7x Focal Reducer Lens makes your EdgeHD 800 one full f-stop faster than f/10, doubling the equivalent exposure at f/10. 4-element lens design. Maintains similar flat-field performance as native EdgeHD optical design |  |  | Astrodon OIII 5nm Narrowband Filter£389.00 - £529.00 Astrodon Narrowband filters set a new bar of performance and durability for imaging and research. We offer 5 nm and ultra-narrow 3 nm bandwidths. |