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Celestron NexStar 102 SLT Maksutov Computerised Telescope

Celestron NexStar 102 SLT Maksutov Computerised Telescope£429.00

This is a high quality 102mm aperture Maksutov-Cassegrain telescope that sits atop Celestron's SLT mount. The Star Location Telescope (SLT) range has been a customer favourite for years...

Kowa 8 x 42 BD II-XD Binoculars

Kowa 8 x 42 BD II-XD Binoculars£429.00

BDII-XD Series.
Get a Wider Point of View with BDII-XD

RVO Horizon 6'' f/12 Classic Cassegrain OTA

RVO Horizon 6" f/12 Classic Cassegrain OTA£429.00

The RVO Horizon Classic Cassegrain series are ideal for both imaging and visual work of smaller targers thanks to it's long focal length and compact size.

Vortex Diamondback HD 16 - 48 x 65 Angled Spotting Scope

Vortex Diamondback HD 16 - 48 x 65 Angled Spotting Scope£429.00

Launched in August 2020, the new Diamondback HD 16-48x65mm angled spotting scope has been completely redesigned to take on the "family look" of the Viper HD and Razor HD 'scopes and optically upgraded to feature HD glass and a bigger objective lens.

Lunt LS80MTBP&F Conversion Kit For LS80MT

Lunt LS80MTBP&F Conversion Kit For LS80MT£428.00

The LS80MT solar telescopes can be upgraded with this optional conversion kit. This allows the telescopes to be used as 2-lens ED apochromatic refractor.

Skywatcher Explorer 150P EQ3-2 Telescope

Skywatcher Explorer 150P EQ3-2 Telescope£425.00



Magnifications (with eyepieces supplied): x30, x60, x75, x150
Highest Practical Power (potential):x300

Celestron Eyepiece & Filter Kit 2''

Celestron Eyepiece & Filter Kit 2"£422.00

High quality 2" eyepiece and filter kit. Includes everything you need to start your 2" accessory collection.

ZWO ASI174MM Mini USB Monochrome Small Format CMOS Camera

ZWO ASI174MM Mini USB Monochrome Small Format CMOS Camera£422.00

This camera is the smaller brother of the popular ASI174MM, but comes in a smaller, lighter format with a 1.25" form factor, with USB2.0 connection instead of USB3.0

Antlia PRO HighSpeed Ultra Narrowband 3nm H-alpha Filter 2''

Antlia PRO HighSpeed Ultra Narrowband 3nm H-alpha Filter 2"£420.00

Antlia HIGH SPEED H-Alpha (Ha) 3.0nm PRO Ultra-Narrowband Filter - Mounted in 2" Filter Cell (50.4mm)

Antlia PRO HighSpeed Ultra Narrowband 3nm OIII Filter 2''

Antlia PRO HighSpeed Ultra Narrowband 3nm OIII Filter 2"£420.00

Antlia HIGH SPEED OIII 3.0nm PRO Ultra-Narrowband Filter - Mounted in 2" Filter Cell (50.4mm)

Astronomik H-Alpha 6nm CCD Filter 2''

Astronomik H-Alpha 6nm CCD Filter 2"£419.00

This H-alpha Filter is suitable for imaging of Hydrogen nebulas from observation sites with light pollution and from dark sites as well. The FWHM of 6nm is matched to give you optimal performance with CCD and CMOS sensors with a very low dark current!

Astronomik OIII 6nm CCD Filter 2''

Astronomik OIII 6nm CCD Filter 2"£419.00

The OIII-CCD Filter is suitable for imaging of OIII nebulas from observation sites with light pollution and from dark sites as well. The contrast between an object glowing at 501nm and the background is increased enormous!

Astronomik SII 6nm CCD Filter 2''

Astronomik SII 6nm CCD Filter 2"£419.00

This SII-CCD Filter is suitable for imaging of SII-regions from observation sites with light pollution and from dark sites as well. The contrast between an object glowing at 672nm and the background is increased massively!

Bresser Astrophoto Tracking Mount (No Tripod)

Bresser Astrophoto Tracking Mount (No Tripod)£419.00

Do you already own a photo camera and would like to create impressive pictures of the night sky with the help of the long exposure or even make time-lapse pictures with little effort ? The BRESSER photo mount is the ideal base. Not only for beginners in astrophotography, this mount is particularly well suited, but also the experts swear by a compact and easy-to-use mount to automatically compensate for the natural rotation of the earth.

Celestron Skymaster 25 x 100 Observation Binoculars

Celestron Skymaster 25 x 100 Observation Binoculars£419.00

Celestron’s SkyMaster 25x100 large aperture binoculars are phenomenal value for high performance binoculars ideal for astronomical viewing or for terrestrial observation use - especially over long distances.

GPO Passion ED 10 x 42 Binoculars

GPO Passion ED 10 x 42 Binoculars£419.00

PASSION™ ED binoculars offer the perfect entry into the world of high-quality observation optics at an unbeatable price-performance ratio.

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Rother Valley Optics Ltd
Rother Valley Optics Ltd