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Celestron Eyepiece & Filter Kit 2''

Celestron Eyepiece & Filter Kit 2"£422.00

High quality 2" eyepiece and filter kit. Includes everything you need to start your 2" accessory collection.

ZWO ASI174MM Mini USB Monochrome Small Format CMOS Camera

ZWO ASI174MM Mini USB Monochrome Small Format CMOS Camera£422.00

This camera is the smaller brother of the popular ASI174MM, but comes in a smaller, lighter format with a 1.25" form factor, with USB2.0 connection instead of USB3.0

Antlia PRO HighSpeed Ultra Narrowband 3nm H-alpha Filter 2''

Antlia PRO HighSpeed Ultra Narrowband 3nm H-alpha Filter 2"£420.00

Antlia HIGH SPEED H-Alpha (Ha) 3.0nm PRO Ultra-Narrowband Filter - Mounted in 2" Filter Cell (50.4mm)

Antlia PRO HighSpeed Ultra Narrowband 3nm OIII Filter 2''

Antlia PRO HighSpeed Ultra Narrowband 3nm OIII Filter 2"£420.00

Antlia HIGH SPEED OIII 3.0nm PRO Ultra-Narrowband Filter - Mounted in 2" Filter Cell (50.4mm)

Antlia PRO HighSpeed Ultra Narrowband 3nm SII Filter 2''

Antlia PRO HighSpeed Ultra Narrowband 3nm SII Filter 2"£420.00

Antlia HIGH SPEED SII 3.0nm PRO Ultra-Narrowband Filter - Mounted in 2" Filter Cell (50.4mm)

Bresser Messier AR-90s/500 EXOS-1 Telescope

Bresser Messier AR-90s/500 EXOS-1 Telescope£420.00

Richfield telescope with a short focal length of 500 mm. Suitable for traveling and to observe large open star clusters and the Milky Way.

Astronomik H-Alpha 6nm CCD Filter 2''

Astronomik H-Alpha 6nm CCD Filter 2"£419.00

This H-alpha Filter is suitable for imaging of Hydrogen nebulas from observation sites with light pollution and from dark sites as well. The FWHM of 6nm is matched to give you optimal performance with CCD and CMOS sensors with a very low dark current!

Astronomik OIII 6nm CCD Filter 2''

Astronomik OIII 6nm CCD Filter 2"£419.00

The OIII-CCD Filter is suitable for imaging of OIII nebulas from observation sites with light pollution and from dark sites as well. The contrast between an object glowing at 501nm and the background is increased enormous!

Astronomik SII 6nm CCD Filter 2''

Astronomik SII 6nm CCD Filter 2"£419.00

This SII-CCD Filter is suitable for imaging of SII-regions from observation sites with light pollution and from dark sites as well. The contrast between an object glowing at 672nm and the background is increased massively!

Celestron Skymaster 25 x 100 Observation Binoculars

Celestron Skymaster 25 x 100 Observation Binoculars£419.00

Celestron’s SkyMaster 25x100 large aperture binoculars are phenomenal value for high performance binoculars ideal for astronomical viewing or for terrestrial observation use - especially over long distances.

GPO Passion ED 10 x 42 Binoculars

GPO Passion ED 10 x 42 Binoculars£419.00

PASSION™ ED binoculars offer the perfect entry into the world of high-quality observation optics at an unbeatable price-performance ratio.

Hawke Frontier ED X 10 x 32 Binoculars

Hawke Frontier ED X 10 x 32 Binoculars£419.00

Extra-low Dispersion glass for optimum clarity
Dielectric Coatings provide increased light reflectivity

Hawke Frontier ED X 8 x 32 Binoculars

Hawke Frontier ED X 8 x 32 Binoculars£419.00

Extra-low Dispersion glass for optimum clarity
Dielectric Coatings provide increased light reflectivity

Leica Monovid 8 x 20 Silverline Monocular

Leica Monovid 8 x 20 Silverline Monocular£419.00

The Monovid 8 x 20 is always at hand - in the city, the opera, theatre or in the outdoors. With this monocular, you will never lose sight of anything and recognize even the finest structures on buildings or fascial features of actors and singers in the theatre.

Second Hand Omegon 203mm Push + Dobsonian Telescope

Second Hand Omegon 203mm Push + Dobsonian Telescope£419.00

Your smartphone phone and this telescope are now 'best friends'

Experience a whole new feel to exploring the night sky with this Omegon 8 inch Dobsonian telescope together with the Push+ object locator. This telescope can find any planet or deep sky object in the twinkling of an eye! This is made possible by the intelligent Push+ object locator - the telescope communicates instantaneously with your smartphone!

Starizona Apex ED S 0.65x Reducer / Flattener

Starizona Apex ED S 0.65x Reducer / Flattener£419.00

With the Apex ED reducer, an f/5.5 apo refractor becomes an incredibly fast f/3.6 astrograph. A slower f/9 telescope like an RC becomes a speedy f/5.9 system.

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Rother Valley Optics Ltd
Rother Valley Optics Ltd