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RVO 3D Printed 1.25" Eyepiece Cap£2.49
RVO 3D Printed 1.25" eyepiece cap. Made from durable high quality plastic printed in house by the RVO team.
RVO 3D Printed 1.25" Eyepiece Plug£2.49
RVO 3D Printed 1.25" eyepiece plug. Made from durable high quality plastic printed in house by the RVO team.
Lumicon 2" Dust Plug£2.00
Lumicon 2" Dust Plug.
RVO 1/4" Cap Head Bolt£1.00
This handy bolt allows fitting of DSLRs and many other accessories that use the standard 1/4" bolt to dovetail bars. Fits our range of Geoptik dovetail bars and many others.
Ex Demo Celestron Granite 10 x 50 ED Binoculars
Celestron Granite ED Series Roof Prism Binoculars represent the core values of rock solid binocular design, ultra-high performance glass and reliable construction at an affordable price.
New Product
Officina Stellare Pro RC 500 F/8 Ritchey Chretien OTA
The ProRC scope is completely free from chromatic aberration, and the performance is the same at any wavelength; the only limit is the coating light reflectivity. Aluminum, silver or gold coatings are available
Officina Stellare Pro RC 600 F/8 Ritchey Chretien OTA
Officina Stellare Pro RC 700 F/8 Ritchey Chretien OTA
Officina Stellare ProRC 400 F/8 Ritchey Chretien OTA
The ProRC scope is completely free from chromatic aberration, and the performance is the same at any wavelength; the only limit is the coating light reflectivity. Aluminum, silver or gold coatings are available.
Officina Stellare RH Veloce RH200 AT F/3 Astrograph OTA
A design which allows fast f/ ratios with high definition over a wide and flat focal plane. Any Veloce offers pinpoint stars all over the field of view and a new athermal tube.
Officina Stellare RH Veloce RH250 AT F/5.6 Astrograph OTA
A design which allows fast f/ ratios with high definition over a wide and flat focal plane. Any Veloce offers pinpoint stars all over the field of view.
Officina Stellare RH Veloce RH300 AT F/3 Astrograph OTA
Officina Stellare RH Veloce RH350 AT F/2.8 Astrograph OTA
Officina Stellare RiDK 400 F/7 Dall-Kirkham OTA
The RiDK (Riccardi Dall-Kirkham) represents the new reference point for all modified Dall-Kirkham instruments available on the market.
Officina Stellare RiDK 500 F/7 Dall-Kirkham OTA